Happy Oyster New Year!

It’s been a while…a long while.  As an overthinking, overly analytical, borderline perfectionist,  it is much easier to post on Instagram than to sit down and write a blog post.  Are my word choices ok?  Am I being witty enough?  Or too cliche?  Is this interesting to anyone else besides me?  You know, that kind of stuff.  But here we are and unbelievably wrapping up 2017.

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Birthday Weekend in Boston

Surprise!  My husband, Matt, took me to Boston for the weekend to celebrate my birthday.  It was a very happy coincidence that this trip encompassed National Oyster Day, Aug 5th.  There are very few places that would’ve been better to celebrate National Oyster Day (and my birthday for that matter) than Boston.  I was determined to eat all of the seafood and all of the oysters and take pictures of all of the things like a good blogger should.

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I am not an oyster connoisseur yet…but I want to become one.  This blog is my journey in becoming a full-fledged, identify an oyster by its shell and taste type of oyster expert.

I tasted my first oyster in Seattle, WA as a pre-teen thanks to my uncle and godfather, a food connoisseur in his own right. We were out to dinner at one of our favorites spots to eat when we would visit them, Chinook’s.  He is the type of person who seems to know everything about everything.  So, you know that when he ordered oysters,  you were about to be treated to a lesson in oyster eating.  I sat and observed the adults slurp the oysters down and discussing the flavor profiles like they were in this really cool food club; and I wanted in.   Continue reading